Whittier Students Provide Holiday Meal
Whittier Alternative High School students in teacher Shawn Cairer's Service Learning class prepared and served a full holiday meal on Thursday, Dec. 6, for residents of the Liberty/Tambo Apartments and members of First Christian Church at the church.
The students cooked turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, green beans and rolls.
The meal has become an annual tradition. Members of the church also provided gifts for the residents.
PIC1: Dillon Southard, right, and some of his Whittier Alternative HIgh School classmates stand at the ready to serve a holiday meal for residents of the Liberty/Tambo Apartments on Thursday, Dec. 6, at First Christian Church. The students started cooking at about 9:30 am for the noon luncheon.
PIC2: Whittier students, from left, Hannah Perry, Noah Purvis and Bradley Ball serve the meal they prepared earlier in the day.
PIC3: With Christmas music playing in the background, members of First Christian Church and residents from the Liberty/Tambo Apartments share a holiday meal and conversation.