Sometimes you can convince yourself that a pizza is going to taste good just by the way it looks.  A study by the Institute of Food Technologists say that what people like to see is a golden cheese pie with both dark toasted-cheese patches and glistening oil in other spots.
Sounds good, doesn’t it? But how to attain it? IFT researchers think they’ve got the right formula, which was developed through a machine vision technique rather than mere human trial-and-error.   By using different cheeses, the perfect-looking gourmet pizza can be attained by mixing cheeses such as Gruyere, Emmental and provolone with mozzarella, giving the pie a less burnt appearance.  To achieve color uniformity, the pizza also needs the right amount of elasticity, free oil, moisture, water activity and transition temperature.  This entire analysis is available to pizza makers. Since it sounds complicated, it's best to leave it to the pros. I like to simplify the whole thing anyway - if it looks like it's got something on it that I like, that's good enough for me.  So what are YOUR favorite pizza toppings?  Let me know what you think and I'll share your answers on the air!

Pizza-ly yours,


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