
Former Sedalia Restaurants
Former Sedalia Restaurants
Former Sedalia Restaurants
Patricia's Mexican Restaurant recently closed its doors in Sedalia, we have seen our fair share of restaurants that have come and gone. Restaurants can hold sentimental values with us, it could be our first date, a gathering spot with friends and family, or just your favorite dish.
Non-Stop Christmas Music
Non-Stop Christmas Music
Non-Stop Christmas Music
We've been hearing it everywhere...on the radio, the television, in the malls and at area shopping centers. It's intermingled into commercials. It's coming at us from 24 different directions. How much more can we handle? For some, it's the most wonderful time of the year for the holiday classics.
Vicki Lawrence Interview
Vicki Lawrence Interview
Vicki Lawrence Interview
TV watchers, young and old, spent countless hours watching Vicki Lawrence in her 11 seasons on "The Carol Burnett Show" and "Mama's Family". Along with her acting she had a #1 hit  in 1972 with "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia".
50-Year Old Saint Louis Mystery Solved
50-Year Old Saint Louis Mystery Solved
50-Year Old Saint Louis Mystery Solved
In the midst of negative news stories and after a terrible week for Dallas, and the nation, there is a nostalgic story that doesn't revolve around death and destruction. Here is that story: For 50 years, an unsolved mystery in St. Louis centered around who piloted the small plane that flew through the legs of the newly-completed Gateway Arch in 1966...

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