2022 Christmas Light Contest Announced
Xi Beta Upsilon, chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, with the assistance of the Mayor and the City Council gas announced Sedalia's 42nd annual outdoor Christmas Light Contest.
Prizes will be awarded to the first, second, and third-place winners. Prize money will be $100 for first place, $50 for second place, and $25 for third place.
The deadline for entering is 12 p.m., Monday, Dec. 12, with the judging to take place on Tuesday, Dec. 13, after 6:30 p.m.
If you have not won a cash prize in the last three years, (2019, 2020, 2021), you may enter by submitting an application to the Mayor's Office, 200 S. Osage Avenue, Sedalia, Mo., 65301 or emailing the completed application to webmaster@sedalia.com.
The Christmas Light Contest applications are available online at www.sedalia.com or at the Mayor's Office. For further information, call (660) 851-7600.