Free Lunch For First Responders Gets Great Response at Centennial Park
A first responders lunch was held at Centennial Park Saturday from 11 - 1.
About 125 first responders and their families attended the event, organized by Rep. Brad Pollitt of Sedalia. Lt. Mike Kehoe brought the Division of Tourism trailer with him and cooked hamburgers and hot dogs.
Also in attendance were Sen. Sandy Crawford, Rep. Roger Reedy and Rep. Dan Houks (Johnson County), Pettis County Prosecutor Phillip Sawyer and his wife Sara, Pettis County Sheriff Brad Anders and his wife, and Patty Wood from Pettis County Cattlemen's Association.
In addition, some boxed lunches were delivered to the Pettis County Jail and Joint Communications.
Speaking of first responders, PCAD responded to a call in the middle of their meal around 12:45 p.m.
Some of the sponsors included Pepsi, Budweiser, W-K Family Group and Glacier Ice.
Rep. Pollitt said this might become an annual event. "This wasn't a fund-raiser ... it was just to say 'thank you' for everything they do each and every day in our community," Pollitt said. "They put their lives on the line when they leave the door each day and we appreciate that. And we appreciate their families being a part of that as well ... it was an honor for us to wait on them," he said.