Wicked Weather Possible Tonight For West Central Missouri: The Latest
There's been no shortage of information or forecasts predicting severe weather for West Central Missouri, for what seems like days on end. So what's happening now? This afternoon. Here's the latest information as of 4:00 PM CDT:
The National Weather Service in Kansas City reports they're starting to see some storm initiation to the west and northwest of the Kansas City Metro. They say these storms could bring large hail and damaging winds, however for the moment the tornado potential remains low. They put this report on Facebook at 3:00 PM CDT.
As their infographic shows, golf ball size hail, 60 mile per hours wind guests could accompany the strongest updrafts initially. The National Weather Service says severe storms will develop over the next couple of hours.
Just after 4:00 PM CDT the National Weather Service out of Kansas City issued a Tornado Watch for most of West Central Missouri until 11:00 PM CDT. A Tornado Watch means tornadoes are possible, whereas a Tornado Warning means a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar.
At approximately 4:20 PM CDT, The National Weather Service in Kansas City reports a line of storms is developing in Kansas between Topeka and Lawrence. The National Weather Service expects the line to increase in coverage as it moves east into the Western half of the Kansas City metro from 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM CDT.
It certainly seems like The National Weather Service and our local first responders are taking this weather threat seriously, even though at the moment there isn't any severe weather in our area.
As of 5:15 PM CDT The National Weather Service is tracking a line of strong thunderstorms moving into far eastern Kansasas towards Missouri, including the Kansas City area. The primary concern with this storm is damaging wind guests and hail.

Tonight would be a good night to keep an eye on any weather alerts, watches, and warnings on TV and radio, through your weather radio, and or apps on your phone or tablet. Generally, experts say each person should have at least three ways to receive severe weather alerts. So, keep those phones and tablets charged and stay weather-aware as you enjoy your evening.
If severe weather impacts our area, Weatherology will provide updates on Mix 92.3, Kix 105.7, and 1050 KSIS.
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