Hello everyone! As you know, it's been super cold and very very snowy the past few days.

And I'm sure a lot of you are holed up inside. Well, what about the other members of your family? I'm not talking about Weird Cousin Jeb.  He can stay in the attic.  He ain't hurtin nothin.


I'm talking about your pets! Obviously some of them might be on the couch with you, but if you have to work and they absolutely have to go outside..... you may be worried about them if they have to spend a lot of time in a doghouse or a dog run.  So having said that, there are some ways that you can insulate your doghouse that will give you a little bit better Peace of Mind until you can get home and let them inside.

First of all, you should create a barrier that will provide some insulation. Most people tend to use something like Styrofoam insulation, which is really good and it's not too expensive. It's also pretty easy to cut another thing.

You might try a "vapor barrier". It's just a fancy term basically for putting a layer of plastic sheeting up. You put the plastic sheeting up between your insulation and anything else you may have for comfort.  That will act as a moisture barrier, so that you won't be getting any moisture either in your insulation from drooling or accidents or rain or Whatever.

You'll need to do is pay special attention to the floor. That's often one of the  colder parts of  the house.  So one thing you might do is to either raise it up on cinder blocks - and by that I mean the doghouse itself - or, you can add an insulation level between the level between the floor and the ground.  One thing I might do is take some older pieces of Styrofoam or insulation that I can't use anymore, and put them under there where the animal can't get to it.

Also you might try sealing the gaps with weather stripping or to use some caulk around the edges where the walls meet the floor.


There are all sorts of ways to insulate the floor that aren't super expensive! You might try using carpet remnants, for example. If you don't have a ton of them, but you just have a few pieces that might work, you can also go out to places that sell carpet and often they'll give you a carpet sample or two if you ask nicely. Using those can go a long way to making sure that the floor of your dog house is more comfortable.

Another thing you might try is using some old blankets or T-shirts that you don't use anymore to have a more insulation underneath the carpet level. If you choose not to do carpets, also an old blanket or anything like that will also work. Just make sure you keep in mind about your particular dog's habits with chewing or their size or any other indications that they may need individual attention.

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And also, don't forget about the roof! Insulate the roof to prevent heat loss and prevent any kind of leaking from snow that may come in or water that may come in from the roof.

Keep em warm, and stay safe!

Homely yours,

LOOK: The most popular dog breeds in America

Using the American Kennel Club's 2023 rankings, released on April 9, 2024, Stacker compiled a ranking of the 100 most popular dog breeds in the U.S.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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