The Original 1878 Budweiser Trademark And Label Has Been Discovered. Cool!
All of us know in Missouri know about Budweiser and the Busch family. Budweiser continues to be one of the top selling and most popular beer sold every single year. The beer dates all the way back to 1876, when it was first introduced by Carl Conrad & Co of St. Louis Missouri.
Archivists with the St. Louis Recorder of Deeds made a marvelous discovery of city history. On Thursday morning, the Archives Department found the original 1878 trademark for Budweiser and the beer brewery’s first label design. You can click HERE to take a closer look at it.
This is the press release from Mark St. George, MS Communications Specialist, City of St. Louis Recorder of Deeds:
The story of the iconic Budweiser beer brewed by Anheuser-Busch begins with the friend of Adolphus Busch, Carl Conrad. While researching new beers in Europe, Conrad discovered a new lager beer in what is now the Czech Republic. Returning to St. Louis, he named his new beer Budweiser after the town where he found this new recipe, and established a new company, Carl Conrad & Co. Conrad then turned to Anheuser-Busch to brew and bottle it. In 1878, Conrad filed for a trademark for his beer in the St. Louis Recorder of Deeds office, which has preserved this iconic label. Eventually, Conrad’s company declared bankruptcy and Anheuser-Busch bought the rights to Budweiser, and out of respect for their friend, kept the name on the beer label for several more decades.