Knob Noster Fire Department Employees Test Positive for COVID-19
The Knob Noster Fire Department has closed its station to the public after three firefighters tested positive for COVID-19.
Knob Noster Fire Department shared an informational post on its Facebook page explaining that three employees have tested positive for the coronavirus. And that they are waiting for more COVID-19 test results. The employees who have been tested have symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19 and include slight cough, fatigue, and fever.
Two of the employees are in quarantine at home with their families. And the third employee is in the hospital breathing with the help of a BiPap Machine.
According to the Healthline website, BiPap is a brand of non-invasive ventilator used to help a patient breathe, and is preferred to intubation. The article goes on to state that in some cases the BiPap can be effective in treating those patients who have moderate breathing issues.
Knob Noster's Fire Department says they have closed the fire station to limit the public's exposure to the virus. However, they will still be providing all their usual services to the public.