WMMC Auxiliary Donates Life-Saving Equipment
The Western Missouri Medical Center (WMMC) Auxiliary has purchased a potentially life-saving LUCAS device for WMMC’s Emergency Department that provides CPR during prolonged cardiac arrest.
“Whenever a patient goes into cardiac arrest it can take multiple personnel from multiple departments to assist in reviving the patient. Cardiac compressions alone for an extended period of time takes upwards of four people,” says Heather Ouellette, RN, Emergency Department Manager. “We are incredibly grateful to the WMMC Auxiliary for purchasing the LUCAS device.”
The LUCAS device is a machine that is attached to a patient in cardiac arrest and provides mechanical chest compressions that are accurate and effective. These compressions are high quality being that they are the correct depth and correct rate every time. This device will ensure appropriate circulation for the patient and preserve cognitive functioning while allowing nurses and doctors to give treatment without interruptions to perform CPR.
This device allows staff to continue life-saving treatment for the patient as well as positively impact the outcome for that patient. The Auxiliary donated the $14,735.50 towards the device for the Emergency Department, although the LUCAS device can be utilized hospital wide in any unit.
In the photo: Heather Ouellette, Emergency Department Manager; who requested the LUCAS Device with Sharon Franklin, Auxiliary Board President; and Donna Higgins, Vice-President.
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