Sedalia Police Department to Host ‘Drug Take Back Day’
The Sedalia Police Department is partnering with the DEA on Saturday to host a National Drug Take Back Day.
The Sedalia Police Department will take back unwanted prescription drugs on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the front parking lot of the police station, located at 300 W. 3rd Street.
A press release says the drug take back initiative is a way to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription pills.
Pills can be left in their original packaging, as everything will be destroyed. The drug back and disposal is a free and anonymous service. No questions asked.
SPD noted that liquids, needles and sharps cannot be accepted.
For more information about Drug Take Back Day, visit DEATakeBack.com or call the Sedalia Police Department at 827-7823, ext. 1201.
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