Warsaw Woman Arrested, Charged With DWI Prior Offender
Early Wednesday morning, Sedalia Police conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that was driving without any lights on and partially in the turn lane near South Limit and West 5th Street.
Officers made contact with the driver, and requested she step out of the vehicle, which she refused to do.
The driver was then removed from the vehicle and refused to participate in Standard Field Sobriety Tests.
The driver was then transported to the Sedalia Police Department, where the driver was read implied consent, and she refused to participate.
A search warrant was obtained for a sample of the subject's blood, and the subject was transported to Bothwell Regional Health Center, where she resisted the blood draw. The subject had to be physically held so the blood draw could be conducted.
40-year-old April Marshall of Warsaw, was transported to the Pettis County Jail where she was placed on a 24-hour hold.
A request for the charges of Driving While Intoxicated Prior Offender, Resisting Arrest and Tampering with Evidence has been submitted to the Pettis County Prosecutor.